Uneasy Going
Chris wrote and directed these animated comedy sketches, based on strips from his weekly webcomic 'Uneasy Going'.
Episode 1 of Uneasy Going features four sketches from the animated comedy series.
‘When Harry Met Boris…’
It turns out there may be some magic available for Muggles.
‘Hello Flesh’
In Se7en, Brad Pitt asked “what’s in the box?” Now he can choose.
‘Hampton Court’
A sense of entitlement is all you need to get ahead, right?
‘Mindfulness Dinosaurs’
… what impending doom? Everything’s fine with a bit of mindfulness, right?
‘Eternity Ring’
Now diamonds are forever and ever and ever and ever…
‘Social Mediatation’
Ready to take a break?
‘Train Rescue’
Commuting brings out the best in all of us, doesn’t it?
‘True Crime’
Having some nice, victimless fun?
‘Gold Digger’
Are you with your true soumate?